
Calcium Citrate
PropionatesSorbic Acid & SorbatesPhosphatesCitratesOthers
Calcium Citrate
Chemical Name: 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricaboxylate Ca 3
Molecular Formula: Ca3(C6H5O7)2·4H2O
Molecular Weight: 324.41
Properties: White powder, odourless, slightly deliquescence, difficultly soluble in water(0.095g/100ml ,25℃),almost insoluble in ethanol, When heated to 100℃, it may lose crystal water, when heated to 120℃,the crystal will lost water completely.
Quality standard: GB1903.14-2016  ,  FCC V  ,  E333(iii)  ,  USP
Application: Chelant, buffering agent, coagulant, calcareous intensifying agent, According to GB1980-94, it can be used in soy and its products. According to the stiputations of FAO/WHO(1984),its uses and limitation are low powered concentrated milk, sweet condensed milk, thin cream, used separately 2g/kg, used together with other stabilizing agents 3g/kg(no water). Milk powder and cream powder 5g/kg, melting cheese 40g/kg. As intensified agent of jam and pectin, tomato tin, cooler and caseinate, its calcium content in theory is 21.07%. it can be used in flour, cookie,Japanese fermented soya-bean milk.
Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as liner and a compound plastic woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg.
Storage and transport: Kept in tightly-closed containers, it should be stored in a dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from moisture and hot. Furthermore, it should be separately from poisonous substances. Handled with care, so as to avoid damage to bags.
Index item FCC-V USP23
Appearance White crystalline powder
Content(in dry basis), % 97.5-100.5 97.5- 100.5
Arsenic, ≤% -- 0.0003
Fluoride, ≤% 0.003 0.003
Heavy metal(in Pb), ≤% -- 0.002
Loss on drying, % 10.0-14.0 10.0-13.3
Acid insolubles, ≤% -- 0.2
Lead, ≤% 0.0002 --